
João L. Afonso

Vice President

Joao L. Afonso is Full Professor of the Department of Industrial Electronics, Engineering School, at the University of Minho, in Portugal. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1986 and 1991, and the Ph.D. degree in Industrial Electronics from the University of Minho, in 2000. He received the Habilitation degree in Electronics and Computers Engineering – Disciplinary Area of Power Electronics and Energy, from the University of Minho, in 2016. He has been with the Department of Industrial Electronics of the University of Minho since 1993, where he was Director from 2017 to 2021. He teaches the following curricular units: Electrical Machines; Power Quality and Active Power Filters; Renewable Energies and Electric Mobility; Power Electronics for Smart Grids; Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability. He is coordinator and researcher with the Group of Energy and Power Electronics (GEPE), of the ALGORITMI research center. He is IEEE Senior Member since 2016. He is Editorial Board Member/Topic Editor of the Journals MDPI Energies, MDPI Electronics and EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web. He was chair of the EAI international conferences GreeNets 2018, SESC 2019, SESC 2020, SESC 2021 and SESC 2022. His research interests include Power Electronics technologies applied to Power Quality, Active Power Filters, Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicles, Energy Efficiency, Energy Storage Systems, Innovative Railway Systems, Smart Grids, Smart Cities and Aerospace.